100 Hilarious Funny Quotes About Work to Brighten Your Day

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Work can be stressful, overwhelming, and sometimes just plain exhausting-but it doesn’t have to always be that way. We’ve all had those days when we need a good laugh to get through the endless meetings, tight deadlines, and coffee runs. Whether it be to get over the Monday morning blues or just a break from the grind, here are 100 hilarious funny quotes about work that are sure to lighten up your day and put a smile on your face.

Get ready for some humor that is all too relatable-and maybe just what you need to get you back on track.

Funny Work Quotes About Mondays

monday quotes

We all know the struggle of starting up the workweek. Here are some funny quotes that perfectly describe our feelings about Mondays

  1. “Mondays are proof that weekends are way too short.”
  2. “I hate when I lose things at work, like pens, papers, and motivation.”
  3. “If Monday had a face, I’d punch it.”
  4. “Dear Monday, nobody likes you. Stop showing up uninvited.”
  5. “When life gives you Mondays, go back to bed.”

Funny Work Quotes About Meetings

lets have a meeting about a meeting

Meetings can be long and dreary, but these quotes will get you through them laughing.

  1. “A meeting is an event where minutes are kept and hours are lost.”
  2. “This meeting could have been an email.”
  3. “I survived another meeting that could have been a text.”
  4. “I always bring a notebook to meetings. It makes people think I care.”
  5. “I love long meetings. It gives me time to think about my life decisions.”

Funny Work Quotes About Bosses

My boss told me to have a good day, so I went home

Our bosses might not always get it, but here’s how we feel about them:

  1. “My boss told me to have a good day, so I went home.”
  2. “Bosses are like clouds. When they disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”
  3. “I work hard because my boss lets me…when they’re not watching.”
  4. “My boss said I intimidate others. I said, ‘Good, I’m doing my job.’”
  5. “Being the boss just means you have more people to blame when things go wrong.”

Funny Work Quotes About Deadlines

Deadlines are imminent, but they need not be serious:

  1. “Nothing makes you more productive than the last minute.”
  2. “Deadlines are like vampires—they suck the life out of you.”
  3. “I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” — Douglas Adams
  4. “Deadlines are suggestions, right?”
  5. “Procrastinators unite…tomorrow.”

Funny Work Quotes About Coffee

  1. “Coffee: because adulting is hard.”
  2. “Behind every successful employee is a substantial amount of coffee.”
  3. “My workday starts after my coffee ends.”
  4. “Coffee: the only reason I show up to work.”
  5. “Life without coffee is like a broken pencil—pointless.”

Funny Work Quotes About Coworkers

Why work harder when you can work smarter…and blame it on your coworkers?

Coworkers make work interesting-sometimes for reasons we cannot explain

  1. “Coworkers: the people you share a cubicle with and an endless group chat you can’t leave.”
  2. “Teamwork makes the dream work…unless your team sucks.”
  3. “I’m not antisocial; I’m just selectively social. Mainly, I select not to.”
  4. “Why work harder when you can work smarter…and blame it on your coworkers?”
  5. “Office gossip is the duct tape of coworker relationships.”

Funny Work Quotes About Quitting

I’m just here to collect a paycheck
  1. “I didn’t work this hard to be this broke.”
  2. “I would quit, but I’m too broke to go anywhere else.”
  3. “My dream job is one where I don’t have to work.”
  4. “Some people graduate with honors; I am just honored to graduate.”
  5. “I’m just here to collect a paycheck.”

Funny Work Quotes About Productivity

  1. “Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.”
  2. “Doing nothing is hard. You never know when you’re done.”
  3. “Productivity is just procrastination with deadlines.”
  4. “I’m multitasking: procrastinating and being unproductive at the same time.”
  5. “Work smarter, not harder—unless you’re trying to impress your boss.”

Funny Work Quotes About Technology

  1. “Technology is great…until it crashes during a meeting.”
  2. “I don’t have a solution, but I admire the problem.”
  3. “Let me Google that real quick to pretend I know what I’m doing.”
  4. “Ctrl + Alt + Delete: The universal work reset button.”
  5. “My job is 90% staring at screens, 10% panicking about deadlines.”

Random Funny Work Quotes

  1. “I’m not lazy; I’m on energy-saving mode.”
  2. “Success is 99% coffee and 1% avoiding coworkers.”
  3. “Work is the curse of the drinking class.” — Oscar Wilde
  4. “I like work. It fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours.”
  5. “Teamwork: the art of making someone else do your work.”

Witty Work Sayings

  1. “Some people work hard. Others are hardly working.”
  2. “My idea of a perfect workday is one where no work happens.”
  3. “Working hard or hardly working? Why not both?”
  4. “The best part of my job is that the coffee is free.”
  5. “I don’t get paid enough to care this much.”

Funny Work Quotes About Stress

  1. “I’m not stressed. I’m just trying to figure out how to avoid working.”
  2. Stress is the secret ingredient to a successful workday.”
  3. “If work was so great, the rich would have kept it for themselves.”
  4. “I work because I love money. Just kidding, I love avoiding stress.”
  5. “Stressed, blessed, and coffee obsessed.”

Funny Work Quotes About Time Management

  1. Time management is a great way to spend time managing your time.”
  2. “The only time I’m on time is when I’m waiting for the clock to strike 5.”
  3. “I plan to do absolutely nothing all day and still somehow manage to be late.”
  4. “I don’t have time to manage my time; I’m too busy trying to manage my distractions.”
  5. “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”

Funny Work Quotes About Work-Life Balance

  1. “Work hard, nap hard.”
  2. “I have a great work-life balance: 70% work, 30% pretending to work.”
  3. “I’m all about balance. 80% work, 20% looking at cat videos.”
  4. “I would like to work less, but I’m addicted to Netflix.”
  5. “I love the work-life balance…especially the part where I don’t work.”

Funny Work Quotes About Office Culture

  1. “I love my job, but my office is more of a hostage situation.”
  2. “My office culture? Pretend to work while others pretend to care.”
  3. “A good office is like a good sandwich—full of stuff you like and things you don’t care about.”
  4. “Office coffee is like office gossip—strong, bitter, and never enough.”
  5. “Nothing says teamwork like awkward silences and muted microphones.”

Funny Work Quotes About Work Clothes

  1. “My office dress code is: business on the top, pajamas on the bottom.”
  2. “I don’t wear the same clothes to work every day. I wear pajamas to work every day.”
  3. “Work clothes? More like, ‘How long can I wear the same shirt before it starts to smell?’”
  4. “Work attire: the art of looking like you tried without actually trying.”
  5. “I wear a suit because my job is serious, but my heart says sweatpants.”

Funny Work Quotes About Being Overworked

  1. “Overworked and underpaid. Is that the American Dream?”
  2. “I wish my job had a snooze button.”
  3. “My work is so much fun, I forget I’m working—until I look at my paycheck.”
  4. “I’m not overworked. I’m just underpaid for what I do.”
  5. “I work hard because my dreams are big, but my bank account is small.”

Funny Work Quotes About Communication

  1. “The problem with communication is the ‘other person’.”
  2. “I communicate best through sarcastic emails and passive-aggressive notes.”
  3. “I love the sound of ‘we need to talk’ in emails.”
  4. “Email communication: where ‘please see attached’ is code for ‘I haven’t done this yet.’”
  5. “Sorry for the delay, I was too busy replying to my other 100 emails.”

Funny Work Quotes About Teamwork

My team is great. We work together like an old car: it takes time to get started
  1. “Teamwork makes the dream work, except when you have that one coworker.”
  2. “My team is great. We work together like an old car: it takes time to get started.”
  3. “Great teamwork is like a good marriage—lots of patience, understanding, and distractions.”
  4. “I’m the best team player. I delegate everything to others.”
  5. “There’s no ‘I’ in team, but there is a ‘me’.”

Funny Work Quotes About Office Food

  1. “Work snacks are the secret to surviving the day.”
  2. “Lunch break: the time to discuss what you’re going to eat for dinner.”
  3. “My favorite part of working is the 2 pm snack.”
  4. “Who needs a work-life balance when you have free office snacks?”
  5. “I have a strong relationship with office coffee, but it’s complicated.”


These 100 funny quotes about work hopefully made you laugh well! From conquering yet another Monday morning to resisting that urge to hit the snooze button, laugh because laughter might just loosen up the thick of tension floating around. Next time you just can’t stand it anymore, just take a breath, read some funny quotes and forward on to coworkers while continuing to truck on! After all, work does not have to always be some somber business. Sometimes, it’s just about savoring those small moments.