Hourly To Salary Converter

Calculate your work hours.

Hourly To Salary Converter


Annual Salary: $0.00

Monthly pay: $0.00

Per week: $0.00

To find an employee's hourly wage, divide their annual salary by the number of hours they work in a year. For a full-time employee working 40 hours a week, that's 2,080 hours per year (40 hours × 52 weeks).

Salary to Hourly Converter


Hourly Rate: $0.00

Hourly to Salary Converter

Are you curious about how much your hourly wage translates into an annual salary, or vice versa? Our Hourly to Salary Converter makes it simple to find out. Whether you’re negotiating a new job offer, evaluating a raise, or planning your budget, this tool will provide you with quick and accurate results.

How to Use the Converter:

  • Hourly to Salary: Enter your hourly wage, the number of hours you work per week, and the number of weeks you work per year. The calculator will instantly display your annual salary, monthly pay, and weekly earnings.

  • Salary to Hourly: Have an annual salary in mind and want to break it down to an hourly rate? Input your annual salary along with the number of hours and weeks you work per year, and our tool will calculate your equivalent hourly wage.

Why Use Our Converter?

  • Simple & Fast: Get your results in seconds. No complicated formulas or spreadsheets needed.
  • Flexible: Adjust your work hours and weeks to match your unique work schedule. Our converter accommodates full-time, part-time, and freelance workers.
  • Accurate: Designed with precision in mind, ensuring that you can trust the results for financial planning or salary negotiations.

Understanding Your Pay

Knowing your hourly or annual wage helps you make informed decisions about your career and finances. Here’s how the converter works:

  • Hourly to Salary: If you know your hourly wage, the tool multiplies it by the number of hours you work per week, and then by the number of weeks you work per year (typically 52 weeks for full-time workers).

  • Salary to Hourly: If you know your annual salary, the tool divides that figure by the number of hours worked per week, and then by the number of weeks worked annually.

Why It Matters:

  • Financial Planning: Use the converter to forecast your earnings for budgeting, savings goals, or evaluating job offers.
  • Job Comparisons: Quickly compare different job opportunities by converting salaries into hourly wages, or vice versa.
  • Work-Life Balance: Understand how many hours you’re truly working for the pay you’re receiving, and assess if it’s worth it.

Example Calculations

  • Hourly to Salary: If you earn $20/hour and work 40 hours per week for 50 weeks, your annual salary is $40,000.

  • Salary to Hourly: If you earn $50,000/year and work 40 hours per week for 50 weeks, your hourly wage is $25/hour.


Whether you’re calculating your annual salary from an hourly wage or breaking down a yearly salary into an hourly rate, understanding your earnings is crucial for making informed career and financial decisions. Our **Hourly to Salary Converter** provides quick, accurate, and reliable results, helping you navigate salary negotiations, budget planning, and job comparisons with confidence. Use this tool to gain better insight into your pay structure and take control of your financial future today!